Mach3 from Artsoft.com - CNC Controller Software
Mach 3 Tutorial Videos - Many videos to show how to setup and use Mach 3.
Kcam from Kellyware.com - CNC Controller Software
DeskCNC - CNC Controller Software. Only connects using a Com port that won't work with
the Stepperworld Controller but is useful for creating Gcode.
FlashcutCNC - CNC Control software. I use for simulating and testing Gcode.
Desk Engrave by DeskAM - A basic True Type Font to Vector Converter that allows saving of
G-Code or DXF files.
DeskART by DesKAM - Convert an image into a 3D DXF or directly into machineable G-Code.
CNC Programming Software Tools - Great program for DXF to Gcode conversion with utilities
for conversions and simulation.
Machinist Toolbox - A Utility for conversions, calculations and reference material.
Wintopo - A free quality raster to vector conversion program.
TurboCAD - A high quality 2D/3D CAD program with great tutorials.
AutoCAD by Autodesk - My favorite Drafting program.
CadStd - A general purpose, easy to learn CAD/drafting program.
Paint Shop Pro by Corel formerly Jasc - My favorite for image editing.
WYSIWYG Web Builder - A What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get program used to create web pages.
Firefox - My prefered web browser by Mozilla.com.
CamBam - A good program to create toolpaths from DXF cad drawings.
StickFont - A FREE text to G-Code engraving program from Ncplot.com.
Solid Edge 2D - Free quality 2D CAD program, big download, over 200 Megs.
Vectric.com - Affordable CAM programs including VCarve Pro, Cut 2D, Cut 3D and Aspire.
D2nc - Will generate and transfer g-code directly to Mach3.
Alibre Design Xpress - 3D solid modeler for creating mechanical parts and assemblies.
Cut 3D - Vectric's 3D CAM software quickly and easily converts 3D models into CNC toolpaths.
Cut 2D - Converts CAD DXF and graphics designs to GCode / CNC Toolpaths.
MeshCAM - Easy to use 3D CAM software with 4th axis capabilities from grzsoftware.
FreeMill - A fully functional 3D Milling package built on MecSoft's VisualMill CAM package, FREE.
CNC Wrapper - Convert 2 1/2D or 3D G-code programs into code that can be used with a 4th axis.
Machinists Calc - Speeds and feeds, drill and taps, trig functions, grids, dovetails and more.
ME Consultant - Freeware collection of machining calculators and data tables, weight, threads etc.
G-Wizard - The ultimate feed and speed calc with geometry calcs and reference data.
CNC-Toolkit - Free open-source CAM for up to 5 axis.
LinuxCNC.org - Home of the Linux based CNC control software.
LinuxCNC Wiki - Linux CNC Knowledge Base
Gmoccapy - New GUI for LinuxCNC
Mesa Electronics - Computer and CNC electronics for Linux based machines.
Machinery and Tooling
Harbor Freight - Great selection of tools at great prices.
WholeSale Tool - Good quality tools at great prices.
Grizzly Industrial Inc. - Big collection of metal and woodworking machinery.
Little Machine Shop - Every part you may need for your Mini-mill or Mini-lathe plus accessories.
MSC Industrial Supply - Huge source for tooling, materials and hardware.
Small Parts Inc. - Nice collection of materials and hardware.
Stock Drive Products and Sterling Instrument - Timing pulleys, belts, bearings and more.
Stepperworld - CNC Controller and Stepper motor kits.
HomeShopCNC - Ballscrews and Stepper Motors.
Surplus Center - Surplus equipment in hydraulics,pneumatics, electrical,hardware and more.
United States Plastic Corp. - Get just about anything plastic including thermoformable sheets.
Mouser Electronics - Lots of electrical and electronic components.
Circuit Specialists - Many elctronics kits and components.
Jameco - Another great source for electrical and electronics components.
Computer Cable Store - All kinds of discount PC cables and connectors.
Cable Wholesale -Computer cables, network cables, switch boxes, USB products, and more.
Ebay - If you can't find what your looking for anywhere else, try looking here.
Shumatech - Build your own Digital Readout.
Pricewatch - Need a PC to run your mill? Search here for the best price.
MatWeb - Online material weights calculator
Automationtechnologiesinc.com formerly KelingInc. - Stepper motors, Drivers, Power Supplies and more at great prices.
MachMotion - Really cool CNC Control Panels using Mach 3 software.
Cnc4pc - Great source for breakout boards and mill electronics.
Allelectronics.com - Thousands of electronic and electro-mechanical parts at discount prices.
Online Metal Supply - Surplus metal warehouse with great prices.
BoltDepot.com - Great source for hardware by the piece or in bulk.
Speedy Metals.com - Over 5,000 Grades, Shapes and Sizes of stock by the inch or foot.
Onlinemetals.com - Metal and plastic supplier with great prices.
Grainger.com - Source for Ballscrews and Ballnuts and many types of tooling and hardware.
McMaster-Carr - Over 465,000 products
MPJA.com - Great prices on electrical and electronic components.
Roton.com - Low prices for ballscrews and nuts.
Surplus Sales of Nebraska - One of the largest selections of new and surplus electronic parts.
Harvey Tool - Specialty carbide cutting tools as small as .001.
All Metals Incorporated - Steel, aluminum, stainless, and brass in a variety of shapes.
Huge CNC Links Page - links to just about everthing CNC related.
Nook Industries - Ballscrews, Acme, linear slides, rail systems and more.
Industrial Hobbies - The king of "benchtop" mills, up to 30.5x12.5x20 inches of travel.
Reid Supply Company -Industrial, manufacturing, automotive, chemical, marine parts, and more.
Enco - Your source for quality machine tools and industrial supplies at the lowest prices anywhere.
CDCO Machinery Corp. - Great prices on Lathe and Mill Tooling including DRO's.
Machine Shop Discount Supply - Machinery tooling, great source for arbors and sleeves etc.
QTCGears.com - Quality transmission components at great prices.
Econobelt.com - A QTC Company, my favorite source for cheap timing pulleys.
SmoothStepper - From Warp9Tech, a USB motion controller to get your motors moving FAST.
Tool Supply - Ebay store to get replacement and oversize ballscrew balls.
Lathemaster.com - Great source for metalworking machines and tooling including the ZAY7045FG.
If I was in the market for a nice small mill, I would definitely go for their LMT25L!
Discount Machine Shop - Ebay store with great deals on tooling.
Automation Direct - Huge selection of quality industrial controls.
Evolution Rage 3 - Circular saw blades that can cut through Aluminum and Steel.
Allied Electronics - More than 1.2 million electronic and electromechanical products online.
Davis Instruments -Leading source of test, measurement, control instruments and enclosures.
Applied.com - Great source for bearings, fittings and motion controls
Jamestown Distributors - A marine supply company with boat paints useful for flood enclosures
Moujen Electric - Suppliers of industrial home and limit switches and push buttons etc.
CJA Masterworks LLC - Manufactures linear motion and CNC components as well as a variety of custom decorative wood and metal products using CNC machinery.
Avbellows - Indian source for ready made bellows or custom made telescoping metal covers.
Shars - Lots of affordable tooling for mills and lathes.
Tools4cheap - Just as the name implies, low prices on mill and lathe tooling.
Global Industrial - Lots of products for the home and shop.
CTC-Tools - Direct from China, great prices on tooling on Ebay.
Maritool - Good quality tools and tooling.
Glacern - The best quality tools and tooling the hobbyist can get short of professional grade.
North Bay Cutting Tools - Pretty good prices on many types of endmills and cutters.
Tooling House - Get your US made cutting tools here.
JTS Machinery - Tons of equipment, tooling and accessories at good prices.
Homann Designs - Australian CNC components supplier and Digispeed speed controllers.
Futurlec - Fantastic prices on electronic components shipped from China, shipping is SLOW.
Misumi USA - Tons of automation components at great prices.
VXB.com - My favorite source for bearings, great prices.
Bearings Direct.com - Another great source for bearings.
Applied.com - Lots of industrial supplies including bearings.
Fastenal.com - Tons of shop and industrial products with over 2600 local outlets.
Litecycle.com - Simplify your wiring with a Terminal Enclosure from Lite Cycle
Shapiro Metal Supply - Great source for Mic-6 tooling plate plus much more.
Mill Turn Chuck - 3-jaw chuck with 3/4" shank compatible with TTS from Novakon.
Corrugated Plastics - Great source for plastic sheets to use for enclosure panels and chip guards.
California Air Tools - Ultra Quiet air compressors, only 60 decibels! They also have an Ebay Store.
The Nutty Company - Great source for hardware and fasteners at great prices.
Stoner Tools and Raw Materials - Great ebay store for good prices on aluminum stock.
Must See Sites
Custombadge.com - Specializing in Awards, Name Badges, and Sign-Making
Cad2gcode.com - Home of CNC Programming Software Tools to generate your G-code.
Jay's Robotic Journal - Follow along as he creates an autonomous robic platform.
Teamrobotics.co.uk - Keep track of Richards progress building a full size replica of the Johnny Five Robot from the Short Circuit films.
Design Edge, Inc. - Industrial Design and Electro-Mechanical Prototype Services for Life Science
CNCCookbook.com - Follow Bob's Blog with his own great projects and those of others.
Janie.zurvita.biz - Get affordable Healthcare plus Legal, Telecom and Energy Savings Plans.
Vertical Lathes - Mills CNC Ltd., the UK's fastest growing machine tools manufacturer.
CJA Masterworks LLC - Manufactures linear motion and CNC components as well as a variety of custom decorative wood and metal products using CNC machinery.
CNC Info
CNCZone - The best forum site for CNC, where I first posted my completed mill.
Cuttingedgecnc - Lots of how-to's and info.
CNC Fusion - Get the parts for CNC conversion readymade, several kits available.
CNC Resources Links - Links for CNC stuff.
Pats Metalwork Links - Self explanatory.
Wills X2 Mill- Will O's X2 cnc page. See how he is converting his mill with some info from here.
Speed and Feed Calc - from Whitney Tool Co.
Speeds/Feeds Conversions Calculator - converts different expressions of speeds and feeds to other units of measure.
Speed and Feed Charts - Melin Tool provides speed and feed charts for download on this site.
Minimill Review - An X2 review covering unpacking, cleaning, assembly and accessories.
CNCCookbook CNC Resources - Awesome collection of links.
The ABC's of CNC - Is a beginner level introduction to the CNC hobby. Get the 2 hour DVD!
CNC Programming Handbook - 2nd Edition on Google Books
Drill Bit and Tap Size Chart - The most complete chart I've seen with Imperial and Metric sizes.
The CNC Cookbook - An Introduction to the Creation and Operation of Computer Controlled Mills, Router Tables, Lathes, and More
FSWizard - Freebie speed and feed calc, available online or standalone.
WTOV TV9 - My local news station.
Bob and Tom - The funniest syndicated AM radio show with Bob, Tom,Christy Lee and Chick.
Netflix - Get DVD's in the mail.
Webshots - Get free wallpaper for your desktop.
Commuter Crosswords - Get free crossword puzzles to work while your mill is running code.
Seti@Home - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence while your computers idle as a Screen Saver.
CNC Advertiser - Check out a lot of great Websites!
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